How to switch your work to remote mode in 15 minutes?
As noted in Getmobit, forced need of the emergency transition to the mode of remote work became unpleasant surprise for many companies. The measures taken hastily, not a way out: the mass of risks, including security risk of data, insufficient technical qualification of users, need of expanded IT support. All this not only "hits the pocket" the companies, but also leads to failures of important business processes and idle times. In process of removal of the restrictive measures caused by COVID-19, many companies reconsider the relation to remote work and transfer a part of employees to the remote mode on a permanent basis. It is more profitable, and sometimes, and more safely for business. Besides, the hiring geography extends, "painful" points of the organization of business processes come to light. It is a high time to think of stable options of the organization of smooth operation.
According to the developer, allow to unroll remote work in short terms and without loss for business "smart jobs" of Getmobit GM Box, and the Global Discovery Service (GDS) service reduces time of primary setup of such station to minutes (from receiving primary configuration before connection to network of the company).
When using the notebook or personal computer during the remote work the user should independently or using the exit specialist to configure VPN access to network of the company and the necessary software. The docking station is closed from making changes from user side, departure of the IT specialist will not be required. Authentication is possible using the user's smartphone, emphasized in Getmobit.
According to the statement of the developer, for preparation of GM Box for work (connection of peripheral devices – the monitor, keyboards, mice and connection to the Internet) even technically not grounded user will need no more than fifteen minutes: it is necessary to have a docking station and to use an online service of GDS to work from any point out of office in the presence of at least one of connection methods to the Internet – Wi-Fi, Ethernet, LTE. An organizational stage — negotiations, demonstration, the test and the implementing solution Getmobit — a question of one or two weeks. A hybrid docking station of GM - Vokh — a basic element of an ecosystem of "a smart workplace" of Getmobit. The device provides functionality thin and the web client, IP phone with function of video conference and the VPN client.
According to Getmobit, "smart jobs" — not momentary requirement for the period of crisis. It is the accruing trend. Thanks to a docking station of GM Box and an online service of Global Discovery Service of the company, irrespective of the size and geographical distribution, will be able flexibly to build the system of remote work, to provide control and uninterrupted operation of business processes, safety of data and to use docking stations in office mode, saving on the organization of jobs. The products Getmobit for the organization of remote access as to own, and leased information services (received as services) can use small and medium business. Large business and the state enterprises, thanks to GDS service, have an opportunity to reduce time and labor costs at the organization of remote jobs without damage of information security. Services of the user (VDI, a web and terminal access, IP and video telephony) can work in own DPC of the company or be rented in the form of a cloud solution.
"By our estimates, about 30-40% of employees will not return to office, and we as the supplier of technologies, we react to surrounding changes and requests of the market completion of "smart" jobs. As of June, 2020 in Russia about 11 million jobs of the state and corporate segment which can be equipped with smart docking stations. Price policy and a possibility of lease make "smart" jobs available and for medium and small business. Compatibility with any VDI platform, automatic telephone exchange the solution, including virtual also VIDEOCONFERENCING systems and also different applications, working on OS Windows, Linux and OS of the domestic companies, one of features of the presented solution", Maria Rukavishnikova, the CEO of GetMobit noted